On July 28th, 2020, Drs. Hovig Artinian, Nick Brandehoff, Tempe Chen, Marya Ghazipura, and Tanzib Hossain met with kiddos and their parents from around North...
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Dining with Docs

COVID Edition

July 28th, 2020

During the event, kids submitted questions through the chat box for our doctors to answer. Here’s a transcript of their questions, though more were answered during the open Q&A section at the end of the event.


Robin Brandehoff : How long does COVID stay on surfaces?

hovig artinian : great question Dr. B - depending on the surface/material, COVID may survive for only a few hours or for a few days

Tempe Chen, MD : several hours. but what is on a surface is not necessarily infectious


Robin Brandehoff : What does inflamed mean when the virus is in the lungs?

hovig artinian : "inflamed" means that the parts of your lung that help you bring oxygen in and take CO2 out become swollen and have a more difficult time moving oxygen in and CO2 out

Nick Brandehoff : Imagine how a we react to a mosquito bite on our skin.  It’s red, swollen, and irritated.  The same thing can happen in our lungs.

hovig artinian : they get swollen partly because your immune system in your body is doing its job to fight off the virus and protect you


Robin Brandehoff : Have any of you ever gotten sick from helping patients?

Tempe Chen, MD : not yet thankfully


How to create a “tippy tap” if you don’t have access to running water or hand sanitizer to clean your hands at home:

hovig artinian : https://www.afro.who.int/node/12469


Robin Brandehoff : Can we use hand sanitizer on our phones and stuff to protect us?

hovig artinian : Yes you can use hand sanitizer on your phones. Or if you have an alcohol swab (kind of like the ones you see at your Doctor's office) that can help you keep your items as clean as possible.  Just remember: hand sanitizer does have water in it, so you don't want to put your phone in a tub of hand sani b/c it will break the phone :)


Robin Brandehoff : Why do I see pictures of doctors and nurses wearing a hat on their head when they’re working in the hospital?

hovig artinian : WE wear hats as another layer of protection. It helps ensure that virus or other germs that can be floating around from a patient doesn't stick to us, so that we won't spread it to the next patient


Alexis: What age is the virus most dangerous

hovig artinian : Great question Alexis. It seems that the virus is most dangerous for adults who are age 50-60 years and older

Alexis: Thx


Robin Brandehoff : Are some masks better than others? Like when I go back to school?

hovig artinian : yes there are some masks that are better than others, so I would ask each of you to check out the CDC website where they have suggestions


Robin Brandehoff : Vivienne wants to know: I am from CA. Why do they say Mexican or Latinos are more likely to get COVID?

Nick Brandehoff : Vivienne, that’s an excellent question. There has been some out breaks in some places with large Latinx communities and some people have decided to focus on those outbreaks.

Tempe Chen, MD : one thing we think that contributes to LatinX families being affected is that a lot of families live together in one house. so if one person gets sick, other people in the house can get sick as well. some families aren’t able to access healthcare or other resources


Alexis: What type of animals can get covid

Tempe Chen, MD : we know that COVID has been identified in a cat and a dog. but no evidence that they can give COVID to humans


hovig artinian : Nice to meet y'all! Now go make the world better friends!

Alexis: doctors = heros!